How Creators Can Grow Their Brand & Communities With Twitter

5 min readDec 9, 2022

Twitter has over 206 million active users a day, and is one of the world’s largest social media platforms, if you are trying to grow a business, community, or just want to know what’s going on around the world. There are many benefits of using it as it is the leading platform to build awareness and build your audience in the most organic and efficient way.

There are many different Twitter growth hacking strategies & tricks that creators of any size use to build and engage communities Such as the content you post, how frequently you post, and using Twitter features such as tweet storms, lists & Twitter spaces. I will also be giving examples of how new technologies such as dynamic NFTs can help you engage your community & help build up your brand.


In my opinion before you can even get started with growing the most important thing that you need to decide is content. Before building a community you have to find a niche or group of people that are interested in what you are posting. This means you need to find a niche that fits you and the brand or image you want to portray. My recommendation is to sticking to three main content topics. For example if you are in the WEB 3 twitter space focus on NFTs, Crypto, & blockchain technology. This is because if you expand your content too far out of your three main content topics you might lose the interest of your audience, as well if you keep to these 3 main topics then it’s easier for someone that is interested in only one of your three main topics to keep following you as they see the value of your content. I have seen many creators struggle with this problem as they have had to broad of content topics and lose a lot of engagement with their followers.

Tweet 5–8 times a day:

This might be a struggle for anyone that is new to the platform but consistency is key to growing any platform especially twitter. An average user spends about 40 min a day according to “” and this is the average user. If You are trying to grow and especially in alot of niche spaces twitter its important to throw ideas add value and make conversations with your followers. The best times to be doing this is when you have 3–5 min of free time on the bus, during break from work, and as funny as it sounds even on the toilet. Keeping consistent activity brings in new followers to your account as well as entertains the followers you already have.

Tweetstorms 2 times a week:

Twitter has a limit of only 280 characters to a single tweet, but the nice thing about twitter is that you can connect your tweets together and this is known as a tweetstorm. This is very useful as you can’t express a topic thoroughly with only 280 characters and so tweet storm is very popular for getting a new topic to discuss, arguments & longer information to your audience. With many tweet storms gaining way more attention then regular tweets, this is a great way to find new people and open up your community to a discussion.

Join Twitter Spaces, and create your own:

This is a daily new feature that came out in November 2020 that has been hugely successful on the platform. This has given anyone the opportunity to speak to their audience & join discussions with others. This audio-centric chatroom is a space where you can listen to your favorite creators, as well as give you the opportunity to speak with them. This is a very good way for anyone that wants to grow to build a stronger close net community as it is way more personal. It would help if you were creating these spaces to talk and interact with your community and joining other spaces and adding value to the conversation, this will gain a lot of exposure. A good recommendation for your own space is to make friends with other creators and co-host each other. This will get more listeners and more creators to speak, and last always read the room especially when you are in other people’s spaces. I have been in many Twitter spaces where people are self-promoting or not adding value to the conversation and it is very ground and doesn’t look good for you or your brand. So make friends Don't be selling yourself or your brand and bring genuine good vibes and you will see a very positive response from the community.

Create lists:

There is a Twitter feature under “More options” where you can create lists. This is a very important tool to make your community close and to always engage with your close followers.

Here you can add up to 50 creators that you want, and in this list, you can see only the content of these 50 creators. Here you can like, comment, and engage with them much easier than with people on your normal feed as it gets very chaotic

Dynamic NFTs

NFTs & Web3 have been growing huge traction in Twitter spaces as a lot of communities see Twitter as the best place to build a following. This is what a company called Fragsy saw and found a solution to combine the two to help creators of any community use dynamic NTfs to build a community. Dynamic NFTs (DNFTs) also known as NFTs 2.0 are the evolution of NFTs. This means that standard NFTs stay static and rigid, while a dynamic NFT can evolve, upgrade or level up depending on real-world events (off-chain data).

How does this evolve a community on Twitter?

Well, it’s pretty simple: you can create an incentive system for your holders to engage properly on Twitter. Therefore, If an owner of the NFT does a certain promotion action on Twitter, they get a new NFT appearance or utility, you decide.

For example, If you make an NFT collection and owners of this NFT like your tweet, follow you, etc they will receive points and with these points, they will level up their NFT as well as you can give users incentives with every level they reach. This incentive gives community members more of a reason to support and engage with you as a twitter creator.


In conclusion, there are many ways to grow your Twitter audience, with the tips and tricks given you should be set to start growing your community on Twitter with higher engagement than your competitors. My best recommendation is to try numerous different methods to reach new people as one or more of these strategies might not work better for you than another creator. So don’t give up and keep trying because the ones that are most successful have failed numerous times and tried hundreds of different strategies to reach new limits and grow their community.




Fragsy is the first platform that makes it easy to create, buy and sell dynamic NFTs.